Orion Blog — Margarita Glasses

Jackson Peckinpah
5 Awesome Alternative Uses for Margarita Glasses

5 Awesome Alternative Uses for Margarita Glasses

Besides being the proper vehicle to transport delicious tequila concoctions into your mouth, the Margarita Glass' unique wide-rimmed shape and elegant stem actually offer plenty of other awesome alternative uses. From food presentation to crafty home decor, the Margarita Glass is quite a versatile piece of decorative beauty. So if you're looking to buy some of our gorgeous Margarita Glasses for your next dinner party or backyard barbecue and wondering, "Hmmm, what else can I use these for?", here are a couple of wonderfully imaginative ideas to help keep things exciting:  1. Ice Cream Sundaes   Any excuse for ice cream is a good...

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